We had a great Christmas celebrating with family and friends and hope all of you also had a holiday with lots of wonderful memories. Here is a look at some of our celebrations!
Izzy & G'ma singing carols on the piano to put us all in the mood!!
Celebrating with the Villaran Family 
Nolan's getting so big!!!

All 4 Kids! The best group shot we could get. :)
Christmas with Grandma & Nick(The kids were so excited with the first few gifts they got they didn't want to quit playing to open more!)
Izzy finally likes Vegas and they were working together to get the gift opening to begin!

YAY! It's time!!!! Let's GO!!

Really clothes?! I'm 3 and I want TOYS!!!

Okay this is getting better...

Christmas Eve
Playing with their new toys before heading to Farmington!

Celebrating with the Hemplers!!