It was a nice change at home for Eric, Izzy, and myself. Not only did we get more sleep...Robert's been on a trend of staying up late and getting up really early while Izzy is a consistent 11-12 hour/night sleeper...but we also saw a new little girl emerge. Iz loved being able to move from toy to toy without somebody taking it away from her and getting mom and dad's full attention.
Both kids weren't the happiest to have Robert return home today. Both became a little too used to being spoiled and getting a lot of attention and free reign on the toys! To ease their pain, and to get out of the house while we had an open house, we visited a corn maze in Brooklyn Park. It was a lot of fun but could have done without the rain. Luckily my mom and I had the kids and were able to take shelter in the corn pool but Eric got a little more wet in the corn field as he was trying to complete the maze when the down pour hit.
At the Eagle Center in Wabasha with Aunt Sally and family friend Ada
And my mom didn't believe he was in a tantrum phase...
Taking a short cut through the corn maze!
Petting Zoo!!!

Not being a fan of animals, Izzy watches from her stroller!
CORN POOL!!! This was so much fun!

This just shows how excited she is to have her brother back...

After the maze Nick joined us for dinner and gave Izzy one too many kisses (:
After the maze Nick joined us for dinner and gave Izzy one too many kisses (: