The snow is finally disappearing and we're all eager to be able to get out of the house and partake in the warmer temperatures. Robert especially loves going outside to splash in any puddles he finds and to investigate the changing of seasons.
This weekend was a busy one for us on Saturday. We started the morning off early with a run to the dump to get rid of a bunch of stuff from our basement, then out to breakfast, followed by running errands to get new shoes for Robert and office supplies for Eric. By the time we finished it was time for lunch and then naps! Well the rest of my house slept I was busy in the kitchen making lasagna and brownies (a pan of each for us and one for my brother as a housewarming gift). After the food was done my family woke up and we loaded back up and off we went to Burnsville to visit Nick and see his new place. The house is great and he's lucky to have a great roommate that could buy such a nice home. From his house we went with him to Slumberland to look at a new bedroom set, to match his classy house and then ended the afternoon with DQ Treats and watching a little basketball. By the time we got home it was already bedtime for the kids and they went to bed very willingly after so much running throughout the day.
Today we did absolutely nothing and it was WONDERFUL! The rainy, gloomy day encouraged us to take it easy for most of the day but by late afternoon we were ready for some activity and decided it was time to break the grill out! Robert and I ran to the grocery store to get stuff for burgers and more meals to grill for the week and then came home to let Eric work his magic on the grill. I'm not sure if it was just the amazing combination of my seasoning the hamburger and Eric's grilling skills or if I've just been missing a home grilled burger but the ones we had tonight were amazing. They melted in your mouth and definitely made me excited for more grilling! The only bad side to the day was that Izzy was a little cranky and we're pretty sure she's teething. But after a late afternoon nap she returned to our happy girl and enjoyed in some family play time before bedtime.
So close to crawling and she gets so upset
that she can't move on her tummy yet!

One of our unplanned errands on Saturday morning
was buying a Beta Fish. Eric named him something
really original....Fish but he seems to be the perfect
pet for our family and Robert likes watching him!

Dinner with Nick! Robert loves being around his
Uncle and most times he could care less if we were with!

Since Robert has taken over Eric's office to watch
his movies Eric moved his work station to the couch.
Wish I could get a work station like this at St. Kate's!

Izzy is taking after her G'ma Mary and
starting on the Diet Dr. Pepper early!

The AMAZING Burgers!
Robert playing outside acting crazy!
Good thing it is spring break at work this week. I still have to work but at least the campus will be pretty quiet and I can recover from a busy weekend. We hope everyone has a great week while the snow continues to melt away!!