Well the time is finally here and after a LONG period of no words this past week Robert is finally adding to his vocabulary! He started on Saturday with saying "uh-oh" to Eric all day while I was at work and as the week has progressed he's added in "oh wow" and "what's this". We'd still like to hear some more useful words but it is pretty darn cute to here him talking with such excitement and to actually understand part of his talking.
This is my last week being at home and we're trying to take advantage of it! The other day we walked to the park and instead of Robert riding in a stroller he cruised along in his wagon. He had fun playing at the park and Eric and I were excited to learn that the park is being torn up and a new kid area was being built. Plus the nice thing about having 2 parks within a block from our house is that while the one is being remodeled there is still a place for Robert to play! Robert and I also have a playdate set up for tomorrow with his buddy Cooper (and my buddy Abby from work) to go to Underwater Adventures at the Mall of America. I have never been there, which is hard to believe given my love for water and fish, and am excited to see it and to hang out with Abby and Cooper! Of course before we can have fun tomorrow afternoon I have to bring Izzy in for her 2 month doctor appointment which includes shots. Not looking forward to that especially since she doesn't have as chubby of legs as Robert did which will mean it will hurt her a little more.
Okay I think a nap is in order for me and Robert! Izzy is already snoozing so it would be a good time to take advantage of napping as well. Enjoy the new pics from our last post!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Another Busy Week!
This week was filled with 3 workdays for me, 2 doctor appointmens (my 6 week check-up and Robert's 2 year check-up), a little boy's birthday, Izzy learning how to giggle, Eric learning new photo tricks with his camera, scrapbooking, and a trip to see the Wildcat Volleyball team play a game in St. Cloud. Good thing a certain little girl is nothing like her brother and is already sleeping through the nigt to allow for both mommy and daddy to get more rest! Here are some pics to recap our busy week!
Robert's birthday meal...bananas with some brown sugar, chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon! Yummy!!!

Watching the Wildats with Taylor!
Robert making use of Izzy's swing since Izzy rarely uses it!

Laying on the floor and stretching with daddy!

Watching the Wildats with Taylor!

Izzy is really starting to show her personality. This week she showed her determination to not let her brother steal the show and decided to debute giggling, to her daddy, over a month earlier than Robert did and on his birthday! I didn't hear it until a few days later but it is really cute!! She has now been sleeping through the night for over a week. The new average is about 8-9 hours with the most being 11 hours! I still wake up around 5:00am to go in to check on her because I'm still amazed that little baby's sleep this long...or maybe that is because it took until 9 MONTHS for her brother to sleep this well. The only problem with the long nights of sleep is that she doesn't sleep much during the day and has some fussy spells that often pushes Mom and Dad to the edge of insanity!!!
A rare daytime treat...she's sleeping!

Robert and I both got clean bills of health at our doctor appointments and I was cleared to go back to work...too bad I'd already been working! Robert threw multiple tantrums at the doctor and because of that getting acurate measurements was a challenge. For his weight I had to hold him on the scale and then have myself weighed seperately thus making the nurse do math but she still determined that he was in the 90th percentile compared to other 2 year old boys. For his height he wiggled on the table and the reading wasn't accurate because it placed his height in the 20th percentile...which would have been a huge drop from his 18 month check-up. The last measurement was for his head...Robert was pulling on the tape measure while the nurse was trying to measure his head and according to her readings his head shrunk from last time. The doctor said that this is physically impossible so I guess, other than his weight, we aren't too sure where he stands. He also said that Robert's motor skills are advanced and that the only reason he isn't talking is because he is too stubborn. We now have to make a big deal out of any word Robert says and ignore him when he is grunting...we can't wait for more temper tantrums! I'm glad that he is healthy and that we don't have to bring him back until he's 3 because that appointment was a lot of work for me with all of the fits he threw fighting the nurse and doctor!
This week gets a little easier for us. No doctor appointments until next week (Izzy's 2 month check-up), I only have to work 1 night and Saturday, and we start the week off right by going to the Twins Game tomorrow night with my mom and brother while Eric's parents babysit the kids. Should be a lot of fun!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Robert"s Birthday Party!
Today we celebrated Robert's 2nd Birthday with our families. It was a great time and it is hard to believe that our little man is already 2, or at least will be on Tuesday. He has such a wonderful personality that keeps us smiling as well as on our toes! We look forward to watching him grow and are hoping the Terrible Two's really aren't too terrible!!!
One of Robert's classic looks...the sideway glance!
First bite of ice cream cake!
Getting a little more messy...
Eric's parents brought Robert Eric's old wagon and he loved it so much that after he pulled it around for awhile he ended up sitting in it sat in it while opening his gifts!

Some pics with a few of his new toys!

Not sure who liked the toys more...

Another highlight from the weekend was that my Aunt Julie came over with her kids to visit my mom while she was babysitting the kids. I'm thankful that they came over to help entertain the kids and make my mom's job easier while Eric and I were both working but sad that I didn't get to see them. However after hearing how great of a job Oliver did playing with Robert and the baby whisperer skills Henry had with our fussy girl we might need to get together again with them real soon. Sorry we missed you but I stole the pics my mom took to put on the blog since they were so cute!

Another highlight from the weekend was that my Aunt Julie came over with her kids to visit my mom while she was babysitting the kids. I'm thankful that they came over to help entertain the kids and make my mom's job easier while Eric and I were both working but sad that I didn't get to see them. However after hearing how great of a job Oliver did playing with Robert and the baby whisperer skills Henry had with our fussy girl we might need to get together again with them real soon. Sorry we missed you but I stole the pics my mom took to put on the blog since they were so cute!

Monday, September 6, 2010
Children's Museum
We were getting a little restless and decided to take Robert to the Children's Museum and convinced my brother to join us. The special theme room was Wizard of Oz and even though Robert didn't see any difference between that room and the others he still had a great time. Here are some pictures from our outing!

Doing a little grocery shopping!
Showing Uncle Nick what he bought!

Ooh what's over there? So many things to see!

Uncle Nick where did you go?
Uncle Nick where did you go?
The rest of the weekend we didn't do much besides the standard fun things like grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry. It was nice to do a little relaxing before I start back to work part-time. I think what I'm going to miss most about going back to work (well besides time with both kids and Eric) is my clean house! It is so much easier to keep up with dishes and picking up when both Eric and I are home and I have a feeling once I'm working more those items are going to pile up. UGH! Let's hope this week things don't get too out of hand this week since we'll be having family over for Robert's birthday party on Sunday. I wouldn't be as concerned about it but both Eric and I will be gone at different work events on Saturday so it could be a late night getting everything cleaned up and baked. Good thing we're just doing a family party and not inviting a lot of people...family has to understand about messes...right?! I'll leave you with a few pictures of Izzy from when Eric was playing around with his camera. Have a great week everyone!

Happy baby above...Crabby baby below!
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