We are trying to talk more about the baby to Robert and he is smart enough to know that when I say where is the baby to lift my shirt up and point at my belly...but then he shows his age and easy confusion by lifting his own shirt and patting his belly. It is so cute but I realize now that I should probably have taught him tummy first. Good thing we still have about 6 months before the next one arrives.
Robert playing on the couch with the Vogelgesangs!

Other than that we are coming off of a busy week. One of my uncle's passed away last week and we were in Mankato on Monday for the funeral. This is the 2nd sibling of my dad to pass away in the past month and a half, both from cancer, and it always brings up memories of watching my dad suffer in the end. I hope one day they'll find a cure so that other families don't have to watch this as well. We will all miss both my Uncle Skip and Aunt Dilly but I know my dad is keeping them entertained.
This week will be another busy one for us but luckily I have another free weekend before our big end of the year meet the next week. My mom is also coming up next weekend for a double birthday/valentine's gift to me. For my birthday she is going to do a spring cleaning on our house...nesting hasn't quite hit me yet! and for valentine's day she is going to watch Robert so that Eric and I can go out on a date. Now to figure out what to do... Any suggestions?
I'll leave you with one last picture of our little reader. He lately loves looking at his book right before naps and bedtime. Doesn't want us to read to him but just wants to look at them. I have a feeling he is secretly reading them but refusing to talk because he doesn't want to brag about his intelligence. :) Have a great week everyone!