Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bubble Baths!

A little while ago my good friend Abby asked if we had tried bubble bath for Robert yet? I said no and so she recommended we try it because her daughter Lucy had just gotten some bubble bath for her birthday and loved it. So last weekend I picked up some bubbles and bath time has been so much fun this week! He loves his bubbles and no matter how cranky he is before his bath it always turns into a fun time. This is such a fun stage of life where everything is so intriguing to him and it is so cool to watch him take it all in!

Cuddled in my frog towel after a great bath!

This weekend we were busy running all over! Yesterday we went to Red Wing for a bridal shower and for Eric to work on his Honey-Do list from my mom. The weather was chilly since the shower was held at the park by the river but my mom, Robert and I had a great time. Eric stayed at home to take apart an old shed that she didn't want anymore and to demolish the front porch. The picture below was from Menards when we were pricing out the costs for a new porch...but the final decision was to save the money and just remove the porch (it was rotting and very loose!). The end result looks great and it took less than an hour and was free!
Today Eric was up early loading the shed into our truck to bring to our house and then we headed home after a yummy breakfast. Once home I worked on some quick weekend cleaning while Eric unloaded the shed's many pieces and then we headed down to Prior Lake to spend some time with Uncle Nick and Auntie Mandie. Great weekend but I wish they didn't go so fast!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Colds...

This wasn't a fun week at the Hempler house since the summer cold caught us. It started with me on Monday night, got Robert on Thursday and yesterday Eric started having symptoms. UGH! I'm just starting to feel a little like my old self but am hoping doing laundry and other weekend cleaning items today wasn't too much. I'm also really, really hoping Eric doesn't get it as badly as I had it or I'll probably need to miss more work this week to stay home with Robert while he's sick in bed. Robert doesn't seem to have nearly as bad of a cold as I do/did so let's hope Eric follows him and not me.

Even with being sick it was still a busy week for us. Work was busy for me trying to get caught up after missing so much this last week but I have a feeling this week will be even worse since I missed two more days last week. Then my mom came up on Thursday for her one-year appointment on her back surgery. Robert and I took her to this appointment in Shakopee and Robert, even with a runny nose, had a blast playing with the toys and entertaining the nurses and her doctor. Friday was a day of sleep and another day I stayed home from work. Robert and I both felt pretty cruddy (see picture below) but made it through with lots of love and help from my mom and Eric. Yesterday we went to the Minneapolis Farmer's Market with my Aunt Sally, Uncle Joe, and my cousin Mary. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad both Robert and I were feeling well enough to go. Eric was busy by hosting open houses both days this weekend.

So we're hoping for a less eventful week and time for us all to get back to 100%! Hope everyone is doing well!

The dogs favorite spot is now with Robert when eating. Here you can see Robert's arm is on the opposite side of the high chair and Apollo looking to see if he has food in that hand. We thought it was cute a few weeks ago when Robert started giving the dogs food...but now we realize the that Robert will always throw food on the floor even if the dogs aren't there. Waiters & Waitresses love us now!

Sick Mommy & Robert

You got me sick mom so now I'm ripping apart your magazine!

New toy at Grandma's Doctor Appointment

Favorite item at the Farmer's he could reach!

The group at the Farmer's Market...Robert spotted Mary's flowers!!!

My mom took this when she came up to wake me on Saturday to have me driver her to meet up with her ride home. Guess the Farmer's Market and the Open House wore us out! Robert hasn't fallen asleep in my arms for so long that I hated getting up.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


This was a BIG week for us as our little boy is now walking. It doesn't seem possible that we are already at this stage but with less than a month until his birthday I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Here is a video of him taking 22 steps...the most so far!

Robert has also taken a strong interest in playing the piano. Tonight while making dinner Robert played the piano from his new piano bench (aka highchair). It was great to have music to cook to and it was fun to see him peeking over his shoulder every so often to see what mommy and daddy were up!

The other big event, or should I say events, of the week were for my mom who underwent two surgeries. The first was on Monday when she had eyelid surgery. I call it a tummy tuck for the eyelids because she had too much skin on her eyelids that made for only a small slit to see through. The second surgery was for her shoulder which was to keep repairing injuries sustained from her car accident last November. Eric, Robert and I traveled to Red Wing to help her after this surgery and I must say she looked quite beat up (see picture below) but her sense of humor was great! I didn't get to see the eyes until Thursday but I guess the first few days after the surgery she compared herself to Mimi from the Drew Carey Show. Oh Dear! Luckily Robert didn't cry when seeing her.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Zerberts & Raspberries

This week Robert has learned 2 great new skills...zerberts and blowing raspberries. He started with the zerberts at the cabin and at first we thought he was just trying to suck or bite our arms but then he made the great farting noise and giggled. We too thought it was hilarious even if not the milestone we were hoping for (walking!).

On Friday night Eric and I went out for his birthday while Robert was left with his Auntie and Uncle. Sometime in the 1 1/2 he was with them before going to bed my brother taught him how to blow raspberries on cue. He has done it before when just making noises but nothing regularly. Luckily it seems to just be something he'll do for my brother because he didn't do it for us yesterday but when seeing my brother again today he was once again performing. Oh what great role models he has in life!

We spent most of the weekend celebrating Eric's birthday with family. On Saturday we met his family at the Mall of America's Famous Dave's and had a great meal. And today we went to check out Nick & Mandie's new house in Prior Lake and went out for a great lunch with fried ice cream for dessert...yummy!!

I have to return to work tomorrow after 5 days off which I'm not looking forward to but luckily I only have a 2 day week! I have off Wednesday-Friday!! Not purely for fun as we will be traveling to Red Wing for yet another surgery for my mom. She actually is having two surgeries this week. One tomorrow on her eyelids because there is too much extra skin and as she gets tired she can only see through little slits. I call it a tummy tuck for the eyes but it is real procedure not cosmetic! A family friend will be with her for that one. On Thursday she'll be having shoulder surgery to repair more damage from her car accident last November. The doctor is hoping it will be a simple procedure but he won't know the full extent of the damage until he is in there.

One of Eric's birthday gifts...A Cigar Humidor & Cigars

Toys were getting everywhere so off to IKEA we went for a toy box

Hanging out at the new house while the big boys played PS3

Robert is loving to play in all areas of the house that he shouldn't be in. Here he is playing under daddy's desk, why wouldn't he want to play there with all the cords and papers in the trash can.

Blowing Raspberries with Auntie & Uncle

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Home from the Lake

We spent the past 5 days at the lake and had a great time! Vacation is always relaxing and it was nice to get away from phones, e-mail, and work for a little while. Robert had a great time and enjoyed his first boat ride and swim in the lake! I'm lucky that I still have until Monday before I return to work to get some house cleaning done and maybe some scrapbooking but we'll see how the weekend goes with many celebrations for Eric's birthday planned!

Grandma laughing while Robert is not loving the lifejacket!

Why can't I crawl???

So many new sights!

I caught a fish...goldfish crackers that is

Helping Daddy Drive the Boat

Apollo not too sure of the boat

Well if I can't move in my jacket I might as well sleep!

For Larry: Sunset on the Lake

Great Grandpa watching me swim!

Daily walk with Grandma

One of the 3 times Mylo tried to jump over the seat on our drive home. Luckily it kept Robert entertained even if it did drive us mad!!!